Cluster Church Conference Schedule


The cluster church conference schedule has been updated. Please click… HERE for the latest official schedule. This year we are Daring to Shift… to cluster church conferences instead of the single church model.

Click here for updated Vital Church Conference instructions.

Download an Agenda for Cluster Church Conference-Updated 9/06/24

Cluster church conferences are groups of three to seven churches that meet by Zoom on the same date. Each church will have its own private SPRC meeting with Rev. Dr. Darryl Totty before the cluster of churches meets together on Zoom. The cluster church conference will consist of a greeting by Rev. Dr. Totty followed by a devotion/ prayer.

Afterward, each church will be assigned to a breakout room with an elder who will lead the church through the business of the church motions and reports.

Each church must submit their e-file documents to their applicable Dropbox folders at least (5) days before your schedulechurch conference. 

Download an updated document deadline schedule – Updated 7/29/24


Download a circle Dare to Shift Logo Here (PNG).

Download a B&W text Dare to Shift Logo Here (PNG).

Both Rev. Totty and the assigned elder will need to review your documents before your schedulecluster conference. Click here to download a Leadership form to complete.

The Business of the Church form MUST be approved by the Church Council, Ad Board or Governance team at least 10 days before the church conference. The minutes approving the Business of the Church must be uploaded to the church Dropbox along with all required church conference forms at least (5) days before the church conference Dropbox links will be sent to the church at least (10) days before your schedulecluster conference.

Greater Detroit District