Cluster Conference Training Video

The Greater Detroit District UMC has created a video from the Vital Cluster Church Conference training on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. This video is a treasure trove of information, providing insights on preparing for your cluster church conference. 

 If you couldn’t attend the live training, this video is your key to understanding and mastering these crucial aspects of our UMC church life.

Please share it with your church members so they will know how to prepare for cluster church conferences. This video can answer questions about where to find the church conference forms, what forms are needed following the 2024 document deadline list guidelines, the importance of downloading the newest version of Zoom to participate fully in the meeting, and more.


Click…..HERE for the YouTube video and share it with your congregation. We invite you to join us as we Dare to Shift to doing ministry in a BOLD new way. Let’s inspire each other and embrace this exciting change together.

Greater Detroit District