Category: Announcements and Events
Pay District Ministry Shares Online
Our District Treasurer, Victor Raybaud, has been working on a way for churches to pay their District Ministry Shares online. The Greater Detroit District currently uses the Vanco Payment company to receive and transfer funds. These Vanco tiles have already been used to receive payments for several events over the last year. You may have… Continue Reading Pay District Ministry Shares Online
District Admin’s Corner
New district office hours. The ‘physical’ Greater Detroit District office hours located at Metropolitan UMC are by appointment only. The District Executive Administrator, Dwanda Hayton’s office hours are Mon.-Thurs. 8am-4pm and 8am-11am Friday. If there is a supervisory emergency, the caller can reach Rev. Totty by phone at: 313-300-3085. Local Church conferences will be held earlier… Continue Reading District Admin’s Corner